1 Year Anniversary. posted

Starting today Kari and I have been together 1 year!!! haha, actually today I have been at Pioneer for 1 year... wtf that went fast. I really have no idea how long Kari and I have been together... she has no idea either so we're straight.

Anyway yeah a year out of college... I have some nice furniture. I've been to Kansas City, Minneapolis, Denver, Chicago-twice, Saint Louis-twice, and Detroit. I got an Iowa License. My hair has grown about 8 inches. I have a goatee. I've gained about 10 pounds (stupid stupid desk job). I got really good at tech decks. I learned to ollie a skateboard and drop in on skates. I've gotten a salary increase. I started a company with Nick. I've gotten a lot of new electronics. My car is faster.

And I've learned an entire buttload about the corporate world, programming, and all the dumb stuff that goes along with life as an independent. Hopefully the next steps include buying a house, doing more mods to my car, and spinning records at some "clubs" in the area. These are my goals.

Check out the picture of me on my first day. And after 1 year.

Today I sold my side skirts on ebay for $150. Tomorrow I buy new ones.
Tags: Pioneer, Work


  • today is my 3 year anniversary at pioneer...so just remember, i will always have two years seniority on your punk ass...ha

    nick posted

  • man someone really needs to get hired. even though kraus got the job i applied for, i still think i had seniority.

    derek posted

  • but more importantly, have you squished any spiders in the past year?

    Seriously, congratulations on the job, and the goodness that is coming your way.

    Greg posted

  • (((huggles)))

    kevi posted

  • You were such a clean cut guy before. What happened? Oh, and I have 5 years seniority over you and 3 over Nick. :)

    minnis posted

  • all i gotta say is good thing we don't use much math here, or minnis would be in a lot of trouble...

    nick posted

  • yeah because by my count you've only got 4 years over me and 2 over nick.


    derek posted

  • O.K. So I didn't read closely enough. Sorry for the error.

    minnis posted

  • I've got three months on you. Eat it.

    vanwinkle posted

  • Punks. I've got 7 years seniority on Snoop, 9 on Nick, and 11 on Derek.

    Elmo posted

  • Good thing you're so senior, citizen Rick.

    vanwinkle posted