Bock Fest and Sick Fest 06 posted

Oy, I'm home sick - it's lame. I'm all bundled up on the couch with 2 laptops, juice, and cold medicine, looking for some mindless things to do. Maybe it's a good time for a blog.

First of all - this weekend. So much fun. Nathan and I rode up to MN with Rico. He was visiting his family who happened to live 20 minutes from Josh... so it was obvious that we should ride along and visit our buddy.

The plan for the weekend was to attend Bockfest at the August Schell brewery in New Ulm - which was a blast. A lot of things happened and I've already told the story about 10 times... plus I don't feel like writing a whole lot - so I'll let the photos tell the story. It was a great time, I met a lot of people, got to hang out with buddies, try a bunch of good beer, etc. The weekend was another adventure. I really hope to go back next year.

So yeah. Now I need something else mindless to do - maybe I should sleep, ugh, I hate sleep. I hate being sick; it's as much of a waste of time as naps and reading books. Maybe I'll organize my HD. Oh yeah, I start a new job tomorrow, heh. Hopefully I'm not sick on the first day. ...maybe I really should sleep.


  • This is going to be a yearly event from here on out. Every year we need to do this and we have to make costumes.

    nathan posted

  • Nothing

    Bre'anna posted

  • I hope you feel better!

    Bre'anna posted

  • I'm glad your sickness waited until after Bockfest.

    Seen any nice antler helmets lately?

    Josh posted

  • I hope you don't get the evil shits. I had them. Not good.

    cedric posted

  • I am currently healthy.

    Rico posted

  • So where's this new job, sucka?

    Anonymous posted