Cribs, Work, Cornerstone, etc posted

This weekend my cousin anthony and I filmed a "CRIBS" episode of my apartment, haha. I hope it'll be good. I'd like to get it edited tonight, but I doubt that'll happen. I think Mtv puts a lot of planning into music/video choices in CRIBS, I need to find some good songs that'll match the video.

Also this weekend, Pioneer had the company picnic at Adventureland. I always forget how lame adventureland is. We rode 2 of the 3 rollercoasters, the park chairlift, and the ferris wheel - A kid asked me for my autograph when we were leaving the ferris wheel. Then him and his friends were following me around for a while. Sometimes the whole "bam look-a-like" thing is funny, other times it's dorky.

Yeah, work has been fun lately. I get to use Java again, rule. It's weird jumping between like 5 different programming languages all the time, but lots of fun I guess. so yeah... I guess I really am a dork. Plus I have a blog. Crap.

And tomorrow, I leave for Cornerstone Festival 2004. I can't wait. I have like 20 shows written down that I'm going to see. I hope it doesn't rain the whole time... lame.
Tags: Pioneer
