Graduation posted

I'm graduating in about a month. I just made this graduation announcement that I thought I would post on my website. I don't really expect you all to come to either of my events, but I thought you might find the announcement humorous or would just like to know what's going on in my life. Check out my announcement here!


  • you broox ur a fag and u suck! ur car iz a piece oh sheit and i had sex with ur mom, she waz EZ. cause im sch a bad@$$ pimp daddy to da mx. werd life 4 ya sucka

    brooxh8er4eva posted

  • wow...this guy (the other comment) is retarded.

    Congragulations Derek!

    zach posted

  • congrads dude, I'm actually going to be here in Saint Louis for the um, if I manage to stumble far enough north, I might make it to your party

    alexei posted