Home Sick posted

This weekend was decent. I've been really sick which has been lame. Kari and I went to cedar rapids, painted a room, got a new fan, hung out with her family, etc. I also hung out with Ron Livingston's brother a bit, heh. Speaking of fame, Kari's dad met Frank Abagnale a few weeks ago, wtf.

Anyway, I'm home sick, it's lame. I told myself last night I wasn't going to stay home today, but then I woke up and hated life. I've got sooo much to do at work, it's stupid. People probably hate me there.

Maybe today I will lay in bed with my laptop and play with wikis... I really need to organize my notes, mediawiki will rule.


  • i know that i hate you here!!

    jeff posted

  • wiki-wiki

    r00 posted

  • i just realized that i said "home sick" like i miss my home or something.

    what i meant was "i'm at home, sick"

    derek posted