I Travel... posted

...seen the Grand Canyon 66 times, spittin wicked sh*t rhymes.

So yeah. If you didn't know, I had this Map that kept track of everywhere I've traveled to. It made use of the Google Maps API (v1) and was fairly ghetto. So I upgraded to v2, used xml, and integrated it into derek.broox.com.

Peep /travel
Tags: Web


  • WTF Hillsdale gets mentioned and not Rapids City. The Flamingo has been disrespected.

    DICK'S DAD posted

  • i don't know what it is with you rapids city peeps hating on hillsdale. you're both suburbs of port byron.

    anyway, i added the lame flamingo to the map. google doesnt even have you rivertown folks in hi-res yet.

    p.s. thanks for letting me swim and hang out.

    derek posted

  • You are welcome, however I must set the record straight PB is just another town and Hillsdale and Cordova are the Getto's that suround PB.

    dicksdad posted

  • very true... isn't rich looking at a house in hillsdale?

    derek posted

  • Joslin is what I have heard

    Dicks Dad posted