Kids, driving fast is not cool posted

Derek R Brooks: i should have gotten pulled over to the MAX this morning
Derek R Brooks: i will just paste the conversation that i had with jammey
Derek R Brooks: so i dont have to type it again
sofa king kari: k
Derek R Brooks: well, to get to work i have to jump onto the interstate for like 5 minutes... and it's all 3 lane with big wall dividers between eastbound and westbound... so the only way you're gonna get pulled over is if there is a cop right in front of you or right behind you
Derek R Brooks: well this morning, i didn't have my radar detector on and i flew onto the interstate like i normally do... doing about 90
Derek R Brooks: about halfway to work i switched lanes from the far left lane to the far right lane to get around a school bus... that's when i noticed the cop flying up on me. by the time i got over, he didn't have time so he had to go on the other side of the bus...
Derek R Brooks: anyway, i slowed down so the bus was blocking his view and got off of the exit that happened to be right there
Derek R Brooks: WHEW!!!! (i got lucky)
sofa king kari: ha!
sofa king kari: the last line makes the story great!
sofa king kari: you dork!
Derek R Brooks: haha
Derek R Brooks: seriously though, we like split around this bus
sofa king kari: yeah
Derek R Brooks: and then for a second we were right beside each other... in front of the bus
Derek R Brooks: i was looking right at him and his dog
sofa king kari: ha!
Tags: Auto, Cops


  • haha...thats awesome

    Zach posted

  • Nice

    Tanner Gregory posted

  • why did you even look at him and his dog anyways?

    Mira posted

  • why did you even look at him and his dog anyways?

    Mira posted