On the phone

On the phone

On the phone (full size)


tagged Dogs

This photo is part of the QC Birthday Visit album and was taken in LeClaire, Iowa with a Sony DSC-F717.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 76 photos from this spot


  • How did that happen???

    Drea posted

  • OUCH! How did he do this to his eye?

    Tara posted

  • sweeping the stairs he got something in his eye (dr said it was probably dander from one of our dogs). the white part swelled way up so it made his pupil look like a dimple sorta. then, when it went down there was a big yellow blister

    derek posted

  • the same thing just happened to my eye. cropped up and disappeared in the span of 30 minutes while cleaning a dusty room!

    cas posted

  • Just checking to see what the outcome was of your Dad's eye problem. I have exactly the same thing on my eye, and I'd like to know a little more before I go see a doctor, so I can ask better questions. Thanks!

    ConnieZ posted

  • It is nothing to worry about i get them from time to time and they go away by themselves. You can use a cold compress and some fake tear drops - i use safyr bleu. If it does not go away after a day then you should go see your doc. Could be conjuctivitus (pink eye)

    Karen posted

  • I am waiting on a call from my eye doctor’s office. I have something very similar. It frightened me enough to go for emergency treatment 5 days ago and they said it would clear up in a couple of days. It did not clear up and you can see what it looks like on chaindropz.blogspot.com. Thanks for your information.

    Chain Dropz posted

  • i have this, but HUGE!!!!!! like couldnt close my eye huge. they said it pink eye... which ive had but NOT like this gave me some meds... the blister went away(started to before the meds) but my eye never really FELT better.. now 20 mins ago its coming back.. i can feel it filling up with fluid. Feel free to email me if you know what it is!!! Im wondering if its an allergy or something... yuck. :( [email protected]

    cynthia posted