Dad got a huge blister on his eyeball

Dad got a huge blister on his eyeball

Dad got a huge blister on his eyeball (full size)

This photo is part of the QC Birthday Visit album and was taken in LeClaire, Iowa with a Sony DSC-F717.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 76 photos from this spot


  • Did it go away? What did you do to treat it?

    Denise posted

  • I had this last night after too much scratching due to pollen. It went away today in the morning. Hope your eye is doing better

    Brenda posted

  • This just happened to my eye and it freaked me out. Thank you for posting this picture. I have taken some Benadryl and hope that it will take care of the itchy, blistery eye.

    Melissa posted

  • I get a huge swollen penis every time I see a beautiful girl

    Johnny Pimpledick posted

  • Instead of Benadryl use allergy eye drops when you get this -works immediately!

    Elle posted