Overhead 2: 390 + 78 = 468 Bottles

Overhead 2: 390 + 78 = 468 Bottles

Overhead 2: 390 + 78 = 468 Bottles (full size)


tagged Dewski

This photo is part of the Dewski Bottles album and was taken in Johnston, Iowa.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 134 photos from this spot


  • How much freakin soda do you drink in a month?

    ricky posted

  • 31 bottles

    derek posted

  • that's a lot. You should switch to diet dew. It's got orange juice in it. At least then you could say your being halfway healthy.

    Jordan Muck posted

  • I like how Jordan assumed that it ISN'T diet. Which it is. I think he's trying to call you fat.

    P.S. Nutrasweet kills brain cells and eats babies! Proven by science.

    mh posted

  • so does alcohol.

    derek posted