Mercedes Ridin Rims

Mercedes Ridin Rims

Mercedes Ridin Rims (full size)

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at 41.560875,-93.78406

This photo is part of the 2007 2030 Road Rally album and was taken in West des Moines, Iowa with a Sony DSC-F717.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 13 photos from this spot


  • that is a very neat picture

    Tara posted

  • Tara, I don't think you should use the word "neat" to talk about a picture of rims. "Pimp" or "the Shit," even "dope" might work, but not "neat" ;)

    Drea posted

  • whatever, those rims are swell and you know it.

    derek posted

  • Can give me the style or model of those rims?

    Stephen Atkins posted

  • Can you give me the style or model of those rims? Thank you in advance.

    Stephen Atkins posted