Mercedes Ridin Rims

Mercedes Ridin Rims

Mercedes Ridin Rims (full size)

This photo is part of the 2007 2030 Road Rally album and was taken in West des Moines, Iowa with a Sony DSC-F717.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 13 photos from this spot


  • that is a very neat picture

    Tara posted

  • Tara, I don't think you should use the word "neat" to talk about a picture of rims. "Pimp" or "the Shit," even "dope" might work, but not "neat" ;)

    Drea posted

  • whatever, those rims are swell and you know it.

    derek posted

  • Can give me the style or model of those rims?

    Stephen Atkins posted

  • Can you give me the style or model of those rims? Thank you in advance.

    Stephen Atkins posted