Photo of my tattoo on DM Juice

Photo of my tattoo on DM Juice

Photo of my tattoo on DM Juice (full size)

(3/3) Next

at 41.586487,-93.627242

This photo is part of the Crown Tattoo album and was taken in Des Moines, Iowa.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map
I've got 3 photos from this spot

flickr comments

  • p.s. the mirror wasn't my idea. apparently they needed to see my face somehow... so they handed me a mirror.

    broox posted

  • oooo.. i love this tattoo!

    yorc posted

  • I am the admin of a group called Tattoo Images and we would like to invite you to post your image on our group.


    Oscar Pereira Photography posted comments

  • I am so glad the mirror was not your idea.

    Nicole posted