No idea how Tobbie wound up with this dude, but he brought some party

No idea how Tobbie wound up with this dude, but he brought some party

No idea how Tobbie wound up with this dude, but he brought some party (full size)


tagged Dancing

This photo is part of the Liars Clubbing album and was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 728 photos from this spot


  • def. not legal to take your bottle out of the booth area! lol!

    diverse posted

  • This is Blake, he plays for the ICubs...hahaha, that baseball player that got me home safe!

    Tobbie posted

  • Yeah right.. he wanted to take you "home" alright.

    Ashley posted