Bachelorin is easier when your wife bakes you all sorts of reheatable casseroles

Bachelorin is easier when your wife bakes you all sorts of reheatable casseroles

Bachelorin is easier when your wife bakes you all sorts of reheatable casseroles (full size)


tagged Food

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Chicago, IL, Chicago, Illinois with an Apple iPhone 4.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 20 photos from this spot

facebook comments

  • wife of the year

    Nicole Sutherland posted

  • I second that, Nicole! All others, say "Aye."

    Becky Curry posted

  • Aye

    Kristina Davis posted

  • Aye aye aye

    Matt Terronez posted

  • Motion passes. I wonder what she won?!

    Becky Curry posted

  • HA! You all are funny! xoxo. Wife of the year? Not really... but I do really miss cooking. So consider yourselves invited over for dinner anytime! (Either here or the next time you are in Chicago!)

    Kari Reynolds Brooks posted

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