First real dinner from the weber. I'm sold on charcoal.

First real dinner from the weber. I'm sold on charcoal.

First real dinner from the weber. I'm sold on charcoal. (full size)


tagged Food

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a LG Google Nexus 4.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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  • Sold my gas grill years ago a week after i bought my first weber. Good choice. Gomme gum?

    Jeff Ballard posted

  • Hope you are using lump charcoal

    Dan DeGeest posted

  • The Weber never fails! Another great Illinois product, up there with the Bunn coffee maker!

    Joshua A. Gooch posted

  • Looks outstanding!!!!

    Jeff Wingert posted

  • I have never owned a gas grill weber is the only way to go

    Craig West posted

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