Whoa. These were good sea urchins

Whoa. These were good sea urchins

Whoa. These were good sea urchins (full size)


tagged Food

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with a LG Google Nexus 4.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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I've got 2 photos from this spot

facebook comments

  • There is such a thing? S'pose you could batter them & deep fry 'em on a stick?? Might be your ticket outta here!

    Dave Boyd posted

  • Looks like a tongue to me...

    Jeremy Koch posted

  • Yum

    Laura Lea Mikkelson-Larso posted

  • Definitely looks like a tongue, but it's actually the gonads.... I'm not sure which is weirder, but when it's good, it's good.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Make sure it's good and dead before you go biting into it.

    Paul Olson posted

  • Fresh sea urchin is even better than you think.

    Jordan Ho posted

  • It was really awesome! I was really hesitant to try it but OMG it was sooooooo good to taste it!

    Rico Larson posted

  • I'm allergic to it

    Doug Moore posted

  • Weird

    Derek Brooks posted

  • My friend Steph tried it and said "it tastes like bad breath and hate!" I love that description.

    Elizabeth Reynolds Smithson posted

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