Proud to be an American

Proud to be an American

Proud to be an American (full size)


tagged Nathan Thome

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Urbandale, Iowa with a LG Nexus 5.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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facebook comments

  • Jesus, Derek.

    Mitchell Pilon posted

  • No.

    Shannon Schear posted

  • Just so everyone's clear. This is my buddy Thome, not me.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Hahahaha

    Nathan Thome posted

  • I'm not sure that makes me feel better.

    Shannon Schear posted

  • I know.

    Mitchell Pilon posted

  • You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it.

    Jake Runia posted

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