Holy shit. He was right. I could not hang... Just asked for the menu back.

Holy shit. He was right. I could not hang... Just asked for the menu back.

Holy shit. He was right. I could not hang... Just asked for the menu back. (full size)


tagged Food

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Chicago, Illinois with a LG Nexus 5.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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facebook comments

  • ?

    Tyler Bradshaw posted

  • What was it?

    Kevin Switzer posted

  • Looks like fish collar? That shits good, didn't like it?

    Ben Stockwell posted

  • Looks good to me man

    Nathan Deutmeyer posted

  • What was it

    Paul Alexander posted

  • turtle?

    Andy Martin posted

  • So, it smelled a lot like walking down to a riverfront covered with rotten fish and tasted even fishier than that. A few bites were enough.

    Derek Brooks posted

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