Lovely day for a 25 mile ride.

Lovely day for a 25 mile ride.

Lovely day for a 25 mile ride. (full size)


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This photo is part of the 2015 BRR Ride album and was taken in Perry, Iowa with a LG Nexus 5.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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facebook comments

  • oh my.

    Danielle Bloxham posted

  • Hilarious.

    Steve Hurd posted

  • Wow...

    Charity Brown Miller posted

  • Definition of a perfect picture

    Nathan Thome posted

  • Looks like you figured out the Brrr Ride

    Dan DeGeest posted

  • You should've rocked the chain son

    Denton Ward posted

  • Justin, is your belly wind burnt or sun burnt

    Joshua Sterling posted

  • Delicious

    Rich Miller posted

  • Shirtless?

    Michelle Inez Pohlmeyer posted

  • Skins vs skins bike ride?

    Nathan Deutmeyer posted

  • Man i love you

    Kent Putz posted

  • .ha u piece of shit

    Kent Putz posted

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