Rockin my new Kane County Cougar championship ring

Rockin my new Kane County Cougar championship ring

Rockin my new Kane County Cougar championship ring (full size)

This photo is part of the Baseball with the Froehlichs album and was taken in Willowbrook, Illinois with a LG Nexus 5.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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facebook comments

  • This is amazing

    Jes Schnieders posted

  • That's my home team, yo.

    Jessica Feinman posted

  • "In brightest day, in blackest night " ... Oh, wait, that's not a Green Lantern ring 😀

    Jason Leete posted

  • Were you biking by the metro ice rink in Urbandale/Johnston maybe this morning? In a pink muscle shirt?

    Michelle Inez Pohlmeyer posted

  • Yes. Yes, I was.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Rock on my friend! Rock on!

    Michelle Inez Pohlmeyer posted

  • That hill was brutal.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Agree.

    Michelle Inez Pohlmeyer posted

  • Bandits 'till death.

    Mitchell Pilon posted

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