Expanding the master bathroom into the entryway and angling the master bedroom door.

Expanding the master bathroom into the entryway and angling the master bedroom door.

Expanding the master bathroom into the entryway and angling the master bedroom door. (full size)


tagged 2737

This photo is part of the Entryway remodel album and was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with an Apple iPhone 6s.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map
I've got 3 photos from this spot

facebook comments

  • Messy, messy . . .

    Dave Boyd posted

  • Wait, you are still working On demo? Maybe you should have bought that sawsall a month ago!

    Jonathon Smithson posted

  • Haha, the sawzall's been there the whole time. I'm finally building stuff now, but just opening up/moving some doors. Still trying to finalize a kitchen design...

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Ya broke it!

    Matt Terronez posted

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