Could've gone without this happening, lol

Could've gone without this happening, lol

Could've gone without this happening, lol (full size)

(4/4) Next

at 41.559108,-93.654198

This photo is part of the Kitchen Remodel album and was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with an Apple iPhone 6s.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map
I've got 4 photos from this spot

facebook comments

  • What the???

    Joe Ogrin posted

  • Were you under it when it happened

    Keith Kerschieter posted

  • Same thing happened to my at my house. Took the dry wall off the walls in the bathroom and came back the next day to the ceiling on the floor. Not ideal.

    Jeff Hites posted

  • I was in the attic, nailing a new can light onto the ceiling joist... The 30 year old insulation paper didn't hold.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Please tell me you stuck the landing...

    Rico Larson posted

  • That sucks! What's goin' on with the blue tape?

    Craig Brooks posted

  • I was just marking our planned cabinet/window/floating shelf locations

    Derek Brooks posted

  • I think you got some of my OCD LOL!

    Craig Brooks posted

  • Just a bit!

    Derek Brooks posted

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