When your drywall dudes don't know what wires do, just start cutting em off, and half your living...

When your drywall dudes don't know what wires do, just start cutting em off, and half your living...

When your drywall dudes don't know what wires do, just start cutting em off, and half your living room loses power. (full size)


tagged 2737

This photo is part of the Living Room Remodel album and was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with an Apple iPhone 6s.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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  • ARGH!!! And shooting 'em is still illegal???

    Dave Boyd posted

  • Wow.

    Miriam Vakulskas posted

  • Yea, I think murder is still illegal... but this is exactly why I don't like hiring anything done to my house.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Yikes!!!

    Joan Townsend Van Nest posted

  • Wait wait why the hell would you just start cutting wires

    Cliff Wynne posted

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