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This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Chicago, Illinois with an Apple iPhone 6s.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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  • I want in all that!

    Nathan Deutmeyer posted

  • Only after you build a Korean barbecue for all of Des Moines.

    Drew Ahrold posted

  • Des Moines needs Korean... We've got Vietnamese on lock.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • For the win.

    Drew Ahrold posted

  • Also, where are you? Looks amazing.

    Drew Ahrold posted

  • I would absolutely love a Korean BBQ in Des Moines. I have to go to Omaha or Chicago for Korean food now :(

    Andrea Marie posted

  • I can agree more.

    Scott Harrington posted

  • Where is that Derek?

    Scott Harrington posted

  • A place called Pho loan on Argyle St in Chicago

    Derek Brooks posted

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