Found my beard trimmer

Found my beard trimmer

Found my beard trimmer (full size)


in Photo Stream

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with an Apple iPhone 6s.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map
I've got 2 photos from this spot

facebook comments

  • And your Amish outfit

    Nathan Deutmeyer posted

  • Totally off topic, but there was a booth at Wizard World this weekend that had a bunch of awesome nerdy hats, and I totally thought of you

    Andrea Marie posted

  • Yea, all my hats are boxed up except for this one, haha

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Wut.

    Geoff Wood posted

  • Should've kept the handle bars!

    Tim Flanagan posted

  • Nice

    Amy Aultman Veryzer posted

  • Mama

    Rico Larson posted

  • Did Reverend Run just pull a Michael Jackson?

    Drew Ahrold posted

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