So, our new neighborhood has a pool... and I have a key to it.

So, our new neighborhood has a pool... and I have a key to it.

So, our new neighborhood has a pool... and I have a key to it. (full size)


with an Apple iPhone 6s

This photo is part of the BrooxMobile album and was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with an Apple iPhone 6s.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map

facebook comments

  • pool party!!

    Michael Burns posted

  • whaaat

    Matt Terronez posted

  • whaaaat....

    Turner Hyphen Ford posted

  • #YES

    Joe Ogrin posted

  • Do they allow booze?

    Nathan Thome posted

  • Skinny dipping opportunities?

    Drew Ahrold posted

  • I must be naked here

    Rico Larson posted

  • Nice

    Amy Aultman Veryzer posted

  • Does your neighbor hate that fence?

    Trent Whipple posted

your comments