Quad Cities stuff

Quad Cities stuff

Quad Cities stuff (full size)


in Photo Stream

This photo is part of the Christmas at Mom's album and was taken in Davenport, Iowa with a Google Pixel 2.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map

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  • Barf.

    Shannon Schear posted

  • Is there a flag pole on top the truck on does it just look that way???

    Joe Ogrin posted

  • I feel like I could be friends with the owner of this truck.

    Aaron Taraboletti posted

  • I hate to profile people but...I bet you $100 he (and it's gotta be a dude) voted for Trump.

    Catherine Bracy posted

  • 'merica

    Cliff Wynne posted

  • He's just really into bald eagle season here.....

    Amy Larson posted

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