The Clipper (Dad even rips his clothes off to clip his toenails, haha)

The Clipper (Dad even rips his clothes off to clip his toenails, haha)

The Clipper (Dad even rips his clothes off to clip his toenails, haha) (full size)


tagged Craig Brooks

This photo is part of the Christmas 2005 album and was taken in Port Byron, Illinois with a Canon PowerShot SD550.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map
I've got 190 photos from this spot


  • Dad's gonna poop a brick when he see's this on your web site!

    Rhonda Brooks posted

  • I think Dad's going to poop another brick when we sees that you wrote on the world wide web!!! haha. Oh, mom, what are we going to do with you?

    Bre'anna posted

  • your dad is hot

    someone posted