Christian Lindskog of Blindside at Cornerstone

Christian Lindskog of Blindside at Cornerstone

Christian Lindskog of Blindside at Cornerstone (full size)


tagged Shows

This photo is part of the Cornerstone 2004 album and was taken in Marietta, Illinois.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 34 photos from this spot


  • Oh wow! I'm in love with Christian and his voice! <3

    brittany posted

  • Oh wow! I'm in love with Christian and his voice! <3

    brittany posted

  • blah

    janelle posted

  • ok sorry about the blah...i was making sure it wirked. ok so i literally heard this band once and i fell in love with them!!

    janelle posted

  • i love blindside. but i'm sad because.. Christian is married. and i want to marry him. But i'm happy for him

    C posted

  • Blindside is one of the best bands of all time.....Christian Lindskog's vocals are like none I've ever heard before. He's amazing.

    Laura posted