A year's work - down the drain after 10 months.

A year's work - down the drain after 10 months.

A year's work - down the drain after 10 months. (full size)


tagged Auto

This photo is part of the 1963 Chevy II Nova album and was taken in Hillsdale, Illinois.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 19 photos from this spot

flickr comments

  • I see the date this was taken is 1998. I suppose you dont have this car anymore. I owned a '63 Nova SS convertible years ago. My sister sold it when I was in the Navy. I never got over it.

    gb_packards posted

broox.com comments

  • I bought my 66 a year before you bought yours (also blue and crappy). She was all original in high school, but now she's sitting under a tarp out in the yard. I keep running across your video on youtube! I've been fighing with whether to sell or bite the bullet and finish it so I can relieve the guilt of letting my very first car rot out in the yard! I think I want to drive her again. It has been about 8 years since she started up. Damnit Derek! Why do you keep doing this to me!

    Josh in Illinois posted