The best looking Beretta, ever. (Lee Redman's old car)

The best looking Beretta, ever. (Lee Redman's old car)

The best looking Beretta, ever. (Lee Redman's old car) (full size)

(567/567) Next

with a Sony DSC-P51

This photo is part of the Cornerstone 2002 album and was taken in Port Byron, Illinois with a Sony DSC-P51.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map

flickr comments

  • Hi, I'm an admin for a group called The Chevy Beretta Group, and we'd love to have this added to the group!

    .james r. posted

  • i dunno... those add ons look kinda cheap. theres a guy with one around my house with a white one that looks a lot nicer than this one. but this isnt too bad.

    ClintonsCanon posted

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