The dude that crapped in our mouths last year (full size)
tagged Alex Bissen
This photo is part of the Bock Fest 2007 album and was taken 18 years ago in New Ulm, Minnesota with a Sony DSC-F717.
It's also on Flickr and Facebook.
derek posted 18 years ago
Lexington Peabody III posted 18 years ago
Josh posted 17 years ago
last year, we met him in the gift shop. he was buying a new mug because he'd just dropped and broken his other one.
this was his solution to make sure it wouldn't happen again.
derek posted
That's me. It worked. My mug and I both lived to drink another day.
Lexington Peabody III posted
haha, there are a couple pictures of you on this site from last year too.
derek posted
Where were you this year, Lexington Peabody III?
Josh posted