Me, just before leaving for Ryan Dunn's Rock Tour

Me, just before leaving for Ryan Dunn's Rock Tour

Me, just before leaving for Ryan Dunn's Rock Tour (full size)


with a Sony DSC-F717

This photo is part of the Ryan Dunn's Rock Tour album and was taken with a Sony DSC-F717.

It's also on Flickr.

flickr comments

  • OMG!! U LOOK A LOT LIKE BAM MAGERA that it freaks me out!
    Bam fans will LOVE UUU !! =D
    remember I am one ;D

    froggy_princezz90 posted comments

  • Damn, you look like Bam.

    KRobinson posted

  • that is bam... surely

    sarah posted

  • bam is handsome

    i love bam

    i love bam

    i love bam posted

  • this not bam margera

    lovely posted

  • You are like a Bam stunt double.

    I love Bam.

    He's hot!

    Ivy posted

  • That is not Bam. That man don't have that little thing beside his nose.That Bam has.

    Andreas Tilliander posted

  • Bam dosent have a double you fag !

    zbAM posted