17 photos taken at 41.607549, -90.336349 in Port Byron, Illinois

  • Julien with a frontside
  • Zach with a frontside
  • Zach with a nice royale
  • Jonah, AJ, and a Rankin with the little Soaper
  • Those shoes were WAY too big
  • Helping some little kid soap
  • AJ Bitler ridin wheel chair wheelies
  • Zach, Julien, and Nick trying to breakdance, haha
  • Travis with a dangerous dangerous grind
  • Nate with a wheelchair grind 1 comment
  • Soap Talon
  • Nick's Convertible VW 1 comment
  • James with a cheese grater and AJ Bitler with a frontside
  • Travis Webb and Phil Enright 1 comment
  • Probably one of the last grinds for James that day...
  • Phil Enright with a frontside
  • Julien with a frontside