23 photos taken at 41.922125, -91.416978 in Mount Vernon, Iowa

  • Some girls that I like
  • Joe's
  • Joe's
  • Getting Directions
  • Haha
  • I'm glad this focused on the wrong people
  • At Joe's... err, CnD's 2 comments
  • Even Joe's has a patio now - with no railings
  • Kari's forehead tastes delicious... Just FYI 1 comment
  • Deja Vu
  • At C n D's Lounge
  • Jamie 1 comment
  • Tom and his sweet Joe's shirt
  • Erika, Rachel, Cole, Harper, and Kinnera @ Joe's
  • Harper and I at Joe's
  • A bunch of cops thought Josh and Tom were really fighting and wanted to take them to jail, haha
  • Josh and Tom goofing around
  • These dudes wanted to fight me, so I took their picture
  • Josh and Jolene @ Joe's
  • I promise I did not launch that like a javelin
  • Shooting Pool
  • Nathan
  • A sink at Joe's or C-n-Ds or whatever it was called at the time