37 photos taken at 44.979363, -93.274263 in Minneapolis, Minnesota

  • One last pic before leaving
  • A quick shot before busting out
  • Tara's butt hurts
  • At Gluek's
  • At Gluek's
  • Big Mugs of beer at Gluek's
  • It's Soft 2 comments
  • Some awesome outfits
  • Tobbie had a thing for picking Kari up
  • Tom and Tobbie
  • Those lights are almost perfect
  • Nicole and Nathan
  • Tom needs to drink more of his beer before he dances so hard 1 comment
  • Partying - Nicole did it big this weekend.
  • Giant Cheers
  • Me and Leslie
  • At Gluek's 1 comment
  • Leslie and Nathan
  • What if I grew another head, and his name was violent - nathan.
  • Tom and I at Gluek's
  • @ Gluek's Bar, Minneapolis
  • Awesome shirt
  • Outside of Gluek's
  • Germexicasian
  • Monica and the Bouncer @ Gluek's
  • Which one of these people doesn't belong... 1 comment
  • Very in to this song @ Gluek's
  • Dancing @ Gluek's
  • Monica and Amy
  • Dancing @ Gluek's 1 comment
  • Monica and Josh @ Gluek's
  • DJ @ Gluek's
  • Dancing @ Gluek's
  • The time is: Saturday
  • Monica and Amy @ Gluek's
  • Muscles
  • 34oz Gluek's Beers