Dad brought me a sampler of Magic Hat beer.

Dad brought me a sampler of Magic Hat beer.

Dad brought me a sampler of Magic Hat beer. (full size)


in BrooxMobile

This photo was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a RIM BlackBerry Curve 8320.

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  • so i got into a beer conversation with one of harper's friends (rachel, i believe) the last time i was in chicago. she told me about magic hat beer and asked if i had ever had it. i hadn't ever heard of it... but apparently it's a good microbrewery in the north east.

    luckily, my dad was visiting from jersey... so he picked me up a "sampler" ... which turned out to just be a 6 pack of each kind they make.

    so now my fridge is full of magic hat. thanks for the tip, harper's friend!

    broox posted

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