Bout to go try out my new broomball shoes. Excited to run around tonight.

Bout to go try out my new broomball shoes. Excited to run around tonight.

Bout to go try out my new broomball shoes. Excited to run around tonight. (full size)


in BrooxMobile

This photo was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a HTC Android G1 Dev Phone.

It's also on Flickr.

Photo Map
I've got 31 photos from this spot


  • What is the science in the soles of these shoes?

    Josh posted

  • the soles are just really squishy. but these are indoor/outdoor shoes. for some reason the holes make them retain less snow/ice than the indoor shoes (which don't have those holes).

    i think maybe the holes collect the snow/ice rather than the bottom of your shoe collecting the ice. then when you step down the rubber holes squish together a bit and push the ice out, haha... or something.

    derek posted


    Tom posted