How I do.

How I do.

How I do. (full size)


in BrooxMobile

This photo was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a HTC Google Nexus One.

It's also on Flickr.

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flickr comments

  • The new high life branding/packaging is amazing.

    jeffreyk posted

  • Please provide a picture of the old packaging for comparison, then, because I'm pretty sure they've been pretty consistent and awesome for decades.

    I also do this, but with a whiskey in front.

    mikeharper posted


    The logos are pretty subtle, but the packaging has changed quite a bit. No more beer foam, just a solid gold background.

    Cedric Collins posted

  • Man, I take it back, I love the hell out of the subtle rebrand.

    mikeharper posted

  • :)

    jeffreyk posted

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