Color Runner

Color Runner

Color Runner (full size)


in BrooxMobile

This photo was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with a LG Google Nexus 4.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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  • Kari you are just so darn cute!

    Julie Deitrick Leverett posted

  • I was trying to explain a color run to your mom the other day!! Nice pic. I'm going on one in Sept.

    Renae Moody posted

  • Good job friend! You should of zumba'd instead :)

    Nicole Sutherland posted

  • Haha! You did it! You did a run! ❤

    Elizabeth Reynolds Smithson posted

  • Yeah.. Turns out, I didn't hate every minute of it. In fact, I had a real good time! Although, probably not as fun as Zumba! ;)

    Kari Reynolds Brooks posted

  • Now I'm going to hound you relentlessly until you run one with me! You've been warned.

    Elizabeth Reynolds Smithson posted

  • Nice job!! Electric Run up next in Chi town !!

    Shari Dana Goggin-Ward posted

  • Looking gorgeous as always, Mrs. Brooks;) (one of my all-time fav bosses:)

    Nancy Dunblazier posted

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