Cheese shop lunch

Cheese shop lunch

Cheese shop lunch (full size)


in BrooxMobile

This photo was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with a LG Google Nexus 4.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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facebook comments

  • Love that place - so lucky to have it in my hood :)

    Amy L. Weishaar posted

  • Funny. We were just saying, "I'd live in this neighborhood"

    Derek Brooks posted

  • It's pretty great! Louie's wine dive is good too. Walk the streets off of Kingman - there's a few house for sale!

    Amy L. Weishaar posted

  • Is that a young "C-Boy" makin sandies?

    Dick Ford posted

  • Haha, nope

    Derek Brooks posted

  • That is definitely not a Craig

    Derek Brooks posted

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