I think it's time for this beard to go.

I think it's time for this beard to go.

I think it's time for this beard to go. (full size)


in BrooxMobile

This photo was taken in Ankeny, Iowa with a LG Nexus 5.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

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facebook comments

  • no its just starting to become epic

    Bill Thruman posted

  • Not until you can hold a sixer with it!

    Sean Rankin posted

  • You're lumbersexual.

    Brian Vaughan posted

  • You mean the chip-trapper?

    Gauri Sharma posted

  • PLEASE! Before I come to Chicago! You'll scare me Hussain!

    Craig Brooks posted

  • You should have a reality show about ducks or some other dumb redneck shit.

    Rich Ford posted

  • Agreed, unless ur trying out 4 a roll on Duck Dynasty.

    Mark Johnson posted

  • this is the time of year i usually get tired of mine & end up shaving it off. i feel like i've got a few more weeks in me. i gotta wait til at least the last snowfall

    Robert Tolar Haining posted

  • Stay.

    Britt Selvitelle posted

  • I agree! Lol

    Amy Aultman Veryzer posted

  • vignette4.wikia.noco...221130

    Jon Thompson posted

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