Germany followed through with the higher resolution speeding ticket photos I requested. What a ni...

Germany followed through with the higher resolution speeding ticket photos I requested. What a ni...

Germany followed through with the higher resolution speeding ticket photos I requested. What a nice country. (full size)


in BrooxMobile

This photo was taken in Des Moines, Iowa with an Apple iPhone 6s.

It's also on Flickr and Facebook.

Photo Map
I've got 2 photos from this spot

facebook comments

  • Ha ha

    Justin Germanation German posted

  • How much did it cost ya? I assume that is a frame worthy print.

    Chadd Maze Kreofsky posted

  • that is great. I thought the chances were near zero

    David Crespo posted

  • Well...would they come and get you? Or repossess the Derekmobile? Plus did they photo shop out the other cars?

    Cheryl Froehlich posted

  • I thought they didn't have speed limits.

    Mark Johnson posted

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