25 photos taken in Ise Shi, Mie, Japan

  • The roofs of the buildings in the ise shrines were crazy
  • A bandaged tree
  • Tree support
  • Enjoying the shrines
  • Shrine crew
  • Entering the Ise grand shrines
  • The way this tree is bandaged up with copper and supported was crazy.
  • Lil tree frog. Huge bug.
  • Hmm.
  • I thought this was some very tasty fish. It turned out to be Chicken sashimi. I was v surprised.
  • 1,000 course breakfast
  • Look at this girl, haha
  • Yukata stuff
  • Nijikai
  • Sake!
  • Kari and Hiromi found some Sake for Nijikai!
  • Cookin up some matsusaka beef
  • Matsusaka beef. It was ridiculous.
  • A crazy corn fishcake thing that was almost like a tamale
  • Giant Ise shrimp
  • Awabi, sushis, etc.
  • Bout to have a crazy dinner with in our Yukata
  • Shrimps, gelatin noodles, beef wrapped corn
  • Fancy colorful tempura thing
  • some crazy gelatin + bean thing we were given when checking into our hotel in Ise