16 photos taken in Polk City, Iowa

  • Linin it up
  • Family golfin!
  • Another very forgiving par 3
  • You just gotta make sure to hit it perfectly here
  • Oh cool, finally. A nice, wide open hole with an oak tree in the middle of the fairway
  • After you lay up, you just hit the green. Nothing else.
  • Gonna pretend like these little towers are gonna help us play better out here
  • Pyramid of balls, included
  • Lunch and a birthday beer
  • Hiccup remedy
  • Brushin off after Arty took a little spill
  • Just stopped this girl, dangerously riding without a flag and helped her out... Much safer now.
  • Family selfie
  • Headin south from Slater
  • 10 miles in