24 photos taken in Winterset, Iowa

  • Beautiful country
  • A quick cruise through Pammel Park
  • Took the M4 to an off-road meetup
  • Such a cool vehicle
  • Maybe the first Raptor Bronco in Iowa?
  • Fordin Pammel Park
  • I wonder if this ever gets used
  • Lots to smell and pee on out here
  • Happy Boy
  • Nose leadin the way
  • A little hike at Pammel Park
  • Hey, mind your own business
  • Old man leadin the way
  • Holliwell Covoered Brridge
  • A pretty fun vehicle
  • Winter river views
  • Gravel roads
  • Found a B-road
  • Pammel State Park Tunnel
  • Fording the river at Pammel State Park
  • First time fording the Jeep
  • Pammel State Park
  • Single lane stuff
  • Gettin out of town