Panther Hackathon

  • Chicago bound
  • DSM airfield sunset
  • Wild colors this evening
  • West side lakes
  • Love walking off the Clark and Lake blue line stop to be welcomed by these views
  • Will brought a whole head shot setup
  • Lightning talk by Doug
  • Bless your heart
  • Wrigley Building
  • Marina Towers
  • Chicago river at dusk
  • She’s a beaut
  • Stuffing ourselves with 500 courses of Greek food
  • This umbrella really diffused the light perfectly
  • Hangin on this rooftop
  • Head shots by Will
  • Pantherinos
  • Forbidden office
  • Panos and I present our hackathon project
  • Hackathon presentations
  • Welcome Panther EPD Team
  • Cheeeeeeeese
  • Shufflin
  • Panos’ lightning talk
  • Spencer teaches us about guitar pick materials
  • Chilaquiles with Ivan and Harper!
  • Heading home

Photos taken in October, 2023 in Illinois and Iowa

Album added 11 months ago (Oct 20, 2023).