Photos Tagged Derecho

Here's a list of all 13 photos tagged Derecho here at

  • Derecho - Salty about losing, lol
  • Derecho - Gettin fuzzy
  • Derecho - Homebrew
  • Derecho - Playing foos!
  • Derecho - Important call with Marty
  • Derecho - Karis dad accepts a new job offer!
  • Derecho - Karis parents are still outta power, so we invited them to come stay... And have an ice cold martini
  • Derecho - Oops
  • Derecho - It's nice to have power and to be able to cook food again
  • Derecho - Boredom
  • Derecho - Piles of trees along Ingersoll
  • Derecho - Oof.
  • Derecho - Piles of trees along Ingersoll