Walnut Speaker Stands

  • Speaker stand mock up. Trying to get these tweeters up by my ears while adding some tiny trinket ...
  • Asked my buddy, Jordan where to get some Walnut lumber in town. He told me to come over and gave ...
  • Planed up some walnut slabs
  • Squaring up this walnut
  • Squaring up this walnut
  • Got a walnut board now
  • Speaker stand pieces cut out
  • The glue up
  • Got a couple Hs here
  • Time to spray
  • Walnut speaker stands complete
  • The backside
  • The frontside
  • Chamfers n dadoes n skeletons n smorkin labbits
  • Toys and stream deck

I have some nice PSB shelf speakers on my office desktop at home. For years, I've just let them sit on their sides, which meant that the tweeters were pointed nowhere near my ears - and they didn't sound as good as they should. So, I finally decided to move them up to ear level for better sound.

I thought a lot about the design and settled on a simple, H-shaped speaker stand that would allow for a bit of storage (i.e. a place to put toys and other bullshit knick knacks). I also wanted to make them out of walnut to provide some contrast between the speakers and beechwood desk, so I asked a carpenter friend where to get walnut lumber in town. He happened to have some rough cut, live edge black walnut just hanging out in the attic of his garage and gave it to me.

Over several months of getting distracted by life and other projects, I got em all planed and squared up, cut to size, dadoed, and added a chamfer to the inside edge of the vertical pieces for a bit of character.

This was probably the least efficient way to lift these speakers up a bit, but it was a fun little project, and I'm really happy with how they turned out.

Photos taken from June, 2024 to January, 2025 in Des Moines, Iowa

Album added 1 month ago (Jan 12, 2025).